我終於也開始傾向於高反差黑白了。沒想到用了一年的Ricoh GR,我對它的熱情依然不減而增。我開實驗性地利用GR的高反差黑白來街拍。一開始,我感到非常沮喪。我發現我慣性盲拍那一套不管用了。拍到的人臉部全黑,沒有輪廓,而且也沒有後製的可能性。慢慢地就找到了一點竅門。重點在於如何控制好曝光。是時候改變一下攝影方式了。我依然戰戰兢兢地。。。
I had changed, a lot.
I started to work on High-contrast B&W. After using Ricoh GR for a year, I still in love with her. I started to use GR's High-Contrast Filter to shoot the street. At the beginning, I feel so blue, because all my people shots, the faces are all black. I realised I can't perform my blind-shot techniques anymore with High-contrast B&W . But after some times of using it, I found a trick to bear with it. I need to take serious care on the exposure. I need to change my ways of shooting. I am still trying hard...