2017年8月27日 星期日



逛了那麼多展覽,我還是最喜歡的是《BOOKU 册厝》所舉辦的展覽。那是吉隆坡的一個獨立圖書館,由一群好書的建築人撐起的。圖書館就在建築工作室的樓下,他們摒弃书店的盈利运营模式,「册厝」独立自筹的方式,把圖書館空間打開給大眾,並且舉辦讀書會,推廣讀書的樂趣。我覺得這很夢幻,當時在展覽場聽創辦人之一林慧敏說起時,我打從心底覺得感動。「要是這家圖書館在檳城就好了。」我當時就有這種感慨。

2017年8月23日 星期三

location and time 地點與時間


To me, street photography is the documentary of location and time.

但可能大家比較先注意到或好奇的是地點,因為那可能就是照片的軸心了。或許地方對了,照片就對了。這也說明,為什麼大家都很喜歡去旅行,因為地點的變換可以帶來不一樣的衝擊。以前有一位攝影同好告訴我,街頭攝影,一定要到香港或日本去拍,才能拍出味道。聽起來來好像蠻有道理,然而我不以為然。雖然香港那凌亂的後巷,跟日本文化讓我著迷,不過我覺得,在哪裡都可以拍出珍品。為了證實我的想法,我開始拍攝自己的家鄉,檳城。最後把兩三年所拍到的感動,集成攝影誌「Home Town」。我覺得它並不會輸給任何一個城市的街頭攝影。

At first, we probably curious about where does the picture take from, because that is the most important information that we can ask about. Maybe, as long as the location is right, the photograph will turn out great too. That is why we all love to travel, it may inspire us somehow. A few years back, a friend of mine told me this, street photography has to be shooting in the cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo. It may sound convincing but I don't think so. No doubt I love the back alley of the Hong Kong street and wonderful culture of Japan, but I truly believe that a great street photograph can be taken from any place. To prove myself right, I started to photograph my hometown, Penang Island. And finally, after a couple of years, I produced a photo-zine "Home Town". In my opinion, it looks as great as street photographs that taken from any other cities.

2017年8月5日 星期六

Survey Results about Photo-Zine

Upon designing my second personal photo-zine, I made a survey form. To learn about, whats are the community of photo-zine looking for. The survey form consists of 7 multiple choice questions. I emailed to the people I know, who loves photo-zine like me, I posted to the photo-zine/photo-book community Facebook page too. Until today, I got 22 responses.

By looking through the results in pie charts, It kinda gives me some insights of what the collectors and the publishers' thoughts. And I think the results may be beneficial to all of the photo-zine makers too, therefore I decided to create this post to share the results here, and gives some of my thoughts based on the results. Do leave comments for me if you have your thoughts to share with me.