I am excited, as I have completed the zine design and the flow of my new coming dual zine for this year, the picture that shown above is the wrap design. The title of the new zine is "SAWASDEE ZINE", it is about the street of the Bangkok city. Since 2016, my debut dual zine "Home Town" had published, I have decided to make a series to cover my street photography of various Asian cities. In fact, in 2017, I was planned to publish the "SAWASDEE ZINE". However, after trying a couple of design and flow, I was not satisfied. I can't make up my mind at that time, I feel something is missing. Therefore, "Day by day, Night by night" project was carry on first, and published in 2017. But The folder of the half cook "SAWASDEE ZINE" project is kept on my desktop since then until today.
I visited Bangkok again recently, my plan to revive the "SAWASDEE ZINE" project was succeeded afterward. By combining the recent and past photographs of Bangkok street, I finally satisfied with the new design and flow.

The second picture showed above, the two dummy zines are laying down side by side. Two covers connect to form a complete image. If you look closely enough, the two zines have different reading order. One is left-to-right and another one is right-to-left. Ok, I shall stop explaining it further here. I'll leave it to you to discover. Please stay tuned if you are interested.
Thanks for watching, Love and Peace.
二零一八年的四月,我過的蠻充實的。同事約去曼谷走走,我順便補拍曼谷的照片,回來第一件事,就是把《SAWASDEE ZINE》完成。
自從在2016年發布我的處女座《Home Town》小誌後,我就決定要繼續以雙誌的格式去發行我的亞洲城市街頭攝影小誌。其實第二本小誌本來應該是《SAWASDEE ZINE》,但嘗試設計了幾個版本後,還是對當時的設計與編排,無法滿意,好像缺少了什麼。所以《SAWASDEE ZINE》就被擱淺了。取代而出的就變成《Day by day, Night by night》了。
二零一八年四月,我終於完成了《SAWASDEE ZINE》的設計與編排。以上的照片顯示的只不過是我自己測印粗燥的樣本。第一張照片就是小誌的包裝套樣本,第二張則是兩本並肩的小誌樣本。它們收錄了2015年和2018年我在曼谷與周邊所拍攝的街頭照片。這是我到目前為止設計得最好的小誌了。近請期待,它們很快就會面世了。