去年九月我曾寫過一篇《手機影像反映生活》,我把手機儲存已久的照片從新後製再呈現,然後才清理手機存檔。經過了那麼久的時間,手機又增添了不少生活照片。這次手癢癢,又著手去重新後製一番。 以上的照片是在日蝕的時候拍的。我從辦公室靠海的窗口那兒拍出去。當時,我一大清早就抵達辦公室。多數員工都還來,只有三三兩兩的員工過來觀看。日蝕還真不好拍,尤其是用手機,怎麼都拍不好,只好拍比較明顯的雲層過過癮。 I wrote this before september last year, I re-edit my photography stored in my mobile phone, just before it filled the memory space. I backup all my files after all. For so long until now, my mobile phone has cumulated with many daily life 's photos again. Therefore I did it again. The photo above was taken during the day of Sun eclipse. Early morning I was at the office, looking out from the windows that facing the sunrise and the seaside. It was so hard to capture the image of eclipse, with just only the mobile phone with me. I end up taking photos of the stunning clouds.

我常去的日本餐廳莫過於‘味暖簾’了。在哪裡,我用手機拍了不少照片。那家餐廳吸引很多日本顧客,所以到那邊用餐常常給我一種到了日本的錯覺。常常可見日本小孩在餐廳裡跑來跑去,那些都是日本顧客的孩子。每一次看見她們,我都會有個疑問。她們有沒有融入大馬的社會與生活習慣呢?還是她們到了一定的年齡就會回日本去?回去後,會不會融入不了日本社會呢?她們會不會在這裡交男女朋友呢?會跟當地人,還是其他日本人呢? Aji Noren is the japanese restaurant that I oftenly visit. I took a lots photographs during my dine in there. The restaurant is famous of extracting many japanese customers, which it gives me an illusion to me that I am in Japan. You see a lots of japanese kids running around, they are the kids of japanese customers. Everytime I saw them, I always ponder does they able to cope with the society here? Will they going back to japan after growing up? Will they then cope with the society after going back to Japan? Will they coupled with locals or just japanese?

Steidl捐出1600本攝影集於新加坡的DECK,並且也有個review session和open book submission。我把近三年內在檳城拍的照片影印出來,然後排在床上,經過篩選後,這是剩下的排列。 Steidl donated 1600 photobooks to Singapore DECK, they had conducted 'review session' and 'open book submission' with Steidl. I printed out the photographs that I took within the past 3 years and arranged them at the top of my bed. These photographs was the selected one to be in the dummy book.

有一回同事間談著模特兒豔照時,一位同事提起,北半球看得多了,南半球才稀奇。有一天,在書局翻雜誌時就看到這張特別噴血的南半球,所以我拍下來傳給他們看。 We discuss about sexy models, one of my colleagues mentioned he had seen enough northern hemisphere, he is more interested in southern hemisphere. One day when I was flipping magazines at the bookstore, I discovered this page, showing the exotic southern hemisphere. Therefore I capture the image to show that colleague.

有一天在購物廣場逛時,看見一個印度人頸背有釘珠子,我忍不住隨尾跟著他,在他停下來時,捉拍下來。這算是一種獵奇心態吧!看到新奇的東西,就會想拍下來。『街頭攝影,不拍這些幹嘛?』有人會這樣說吧! I discovered an Indian wearing the ball piece at his back neck. I followed him and took this picture. I like to take pictures of the odd stuff.

我拍了很多張才拍到這張的。我常常去這個檔口買炒粿條,因為就在我家對面街。在拍之前就已經有了這樣的畫面,反正我在等,不如拿出手機來拍吧。我一直在拍,拍得他也有點害臊了起來,但他沒用阻止我,只不過跟身邊的老婆說而已。拍到這張,我就停下啦,不好意思啦,老伯。 Many shots has been taken, and this turns out the best. Before I took this scenes, I had imagined it to be turns out this way. What I do is wait, and capture as much photo as possible. The guy was shy, he told his wife he was shy when people taking photos on him, but he didn't really stopped me. I think he is kinda hinting me stop taking pictures of him. I eventually stopped after this nice shots was taken.

我最不好意思秀給人家看的就是這張。看照片就知道,我是看到美女,然後靜悄悄的拍。照片沒經裁剪,距離的確很近。有時候我會忍不住盲拍這種照片,通常都是失敗的。不是失去了頭,就是照片模糊。但這張卻拍得很好,女孩彷彿在鼓裡我,給我個讚。雖然我認為我假裝得很自然,但可能是掩耳盜鈴吧!她或許察覺了,然後擺出讚的手勢來調侃我的吧!看她忍住不笑的表情,我都有點不好意思了。我是個靦腆的少年,不懂搭訕,只懂捉拍。不用懷疑,女孩我不認識的,罵我變態吧! I am so shy to show this photograph to the public. From this image you should know, this is a pretty girl candid shot. I do not crop the picture, you can imagine how close am I when this shot was taken. It was a blind shot. blind shot was hard to be successful, but this one is perfect. She was like giving me a thumbs up, a 'like'. Although I think I was pretended well, but maybe she had discovered that I am taking picture of her. Therefore you see she purposely thumbs up to me and pretending not notice. Look at her expression, she almost laugh out loud. I was so embarrassed when I saw this picture. What am I was just done ...