I had made a lots of photo book for myself, before I decided to give a go to self publish one. Today, I had successfully published 「Penang Record 2015」and recently a photo zine 「 Home Town」. And now I recalled, how far the journey was, to have a courage to self publish a photo book. I remembered at that moment I decided to publish one, I persuaded myself, “Give a go or give up!” And I give a go.
在我還沒有開始發行攝影集之前,我為自己製作了很多攝影集。今天為止,我成功自己發行了『Penang Record 2015』和剛剛才發行的『Home Town』攝影誌。現在回想起來,我到底走了多長的路,才鼓起勇氣去發行我的一本攝影集?記憶猶新,當我決定製作要發行的攝影集時,我是這樣告訴自己的。『豁出去或放棄!』,我豁出去了。
My journey of making photo book began after the kyoto-osaka trip in 2012 . Kyoto-osaka trip was a very important trip to me. The promotional air ticket was bought a year ago, and I bought my first camera. You see, I am so looking forward to travel japan. I was a japanese manga fans (most of the kids at my generation are the manga fans), I actually drew my own version of ‘dragon balls’ manga and made them into a comic zine (without knowing that was a comic zine) and pass around for friends to read, that happened during my primary school. After growing up a little, I turns out to be a japanese drama fans ( most of the teenages at my generation are japanese drama fans too). I was influenced by japanese culture through the mangas and dramas during my schooling time, that is the reason I am so into traveling japan. That was why kyoto-osaka trip meant a lots to me, and I need to bought a camera to record my trip. And It was still not satisfying, I need to make a photo book of it for the remembrance.
I came across ‘groupon’ was selling a discount deal of photobook making service. The photobook making service was provided by the photobook malaysia company. After the discount, the price was around RM60. The photo book that are going to be produced is image wrap hard cover, perfect bind, A4 size and 40 pages of photo paper. The original price was around RM200. You see RM60 was really a best deal back then. I used the provided app to design my photo book, arranging my photo in sequence, adding text, adding background patterns etc. It was fun, I remember I researched on some magazines to learn up how to arrange and composite photos and text. I loved mixing them, the photo and the text, I tried to make it looks ‘professional’. But…
The experimental composition of image and text carried on for few books, but I found myself was not satisfied with it, no matter how I arranged them. Until a day, I decided to arrange my photos in full bleed for all the pages. And with that change, I was finally satisfied with the outcome. I love full bleed, is not that it doesn’t waste pages, is because I find it allows me to blend in easily from the viewer’s point of view. While opening the pages with two hands holding each edges left and right, it forms a cubical space between me/the reader and the book. With full bleed of images, it somehow forms a connection between me and the subject. There are no frames to remind me that i am the one who did the staring, sometimes I may even be think that the someone in the book is actually looking at me, telling me his/her’s stories.
我從Groupon裡找到了優待的攝影書製作服務。攝影書製作服務來自於一個叫做Photobook Malaysia的公司。優待後,製作一本攝影書才RM60而已。攝影書是圖像包裝的厚紙皮,膠訂,A4尺寸和40頁面的相片紙。原價本來要RM200以上。對於當時來說,RM60製作一本相片集是超級值得的了。我是以這所公司指定的軟件來設計與編排我的頁面的,加圖、加字或加背景雲圖。太有趣了,我記得當時為了製作出‘有水準’的攝影集,還特地去尋找一些雜誌來參考,學習他們怎麼去編排照片與文字,並且做了很多嘗試。但是。。。
When come to landscape, cityscape or buildings, it is even better to make them full bleed. I wanted to go into the scene so eagerly, any frames or text will distract me from blending in. Text is informative, I found a lots of magazine, they like to overlap the text in the empty space of an image. Although they are still full bleed, but by doing that, the text may divert me to read it, and if it was not arranged it nicely, it will be a risk to spoil the mood somehow. But then, text are still important, to tell a story that can’t be told from the images. Therefore I may arrange them at a different spread or pages.
I realized one of my early photobook, I put a little title to every corner of the images. It is so funny for me to look at it now. As if the images can’t tell the title that I need to place it there to remind the readers. Hey, you are looking at a performer, because the title is ‘the performer’. If the image can’t tell the story, no matter how nice my title goes it will not help.
After all, it is not a magazine I am making, it is my personal photo book, those title really doesn’t makes sense. Sometimes, I think the title should belong to the viewer. When a photo became viral somehow, a name will be given, so that it can be easy to identified or mentioned in the article, but usually the name was came by the author who wrote that article instead.
Well, I see mistakes, silly stuff in my early days of photo book, I recalled when I received the book sometimes I was upset. I feel upset because it doesn’t turns out as what I had imagined. It looks fine at the computer screen but it doesn’t works on the physical book. But then, when I look back these silly, mistakenly arranged photo book, I feeling warm. It records my footprint, my journey of making photo books. Without those days of making books for myself, I won’t gone this far.